This is why you keep busy

This is why you keep yourself busy:

Keeping busy can be seen as “just something we do” because "we love to be busy" But when we explore why, there is usually a deeper meaning behind the “normal” behaviour that so many of us do.

Being busy distracts us from what is really go inside of us and around us.

We don't feel comfortable being just being still in our own presence. It feel scary and uncomfortable. What is your mind truly saying in those moment of peace and quiet?

How does your body truly feel?

What is it that you are trying to avoid?

💜Do you keep yourself busy all the time?
✨Do you know why?
💜What are you trying NOT to feel and to avoid?

Here are a few reasons why you might struggle to STOP and be still

1) It wasn’t safe for you to sit still

2) Sitting still means feeling your emotions

3) Relaxing was not an option for you as a child

4) Your parents didn’t know how to relax, so you learnt their behaviour

Much love

Jodie xx


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