Do you ever get the feeling that life is supposed to feel different? Without the daily suffering?

I’m here to help you develop greater self-awareness, identify and reframe thought patterns that are keeping you stuck in suffering, so you can live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

EFT Practitioner


Peter Crone Mastermind Graduate


Trauma Informed ~

EFT Practitioner ~ Peter Crone Mastermind Graduate ~ Trauma Informed ~

The story that lead me to “now”

I grew up in an environment where drugs were the norm, subsequently, my foundations were very unpredictable.  

Even though I left school at 15, left home at 16 and then became a mum at 17, I knew that life could feel and look much different than the way it was feeling & heading!  

Leaving home at 16 felt incredible. It gave me a sense of freedom, for the first time in my life I felt in control. Except this was short-lived. When I became a mum at 17 I soon found myself in a tricky situation, one of my biggest fears transpired. 

I became homeless with my newborn baby. This was not the first time I had experienced not having a place to call home. A few years before when my parents took us travelling around France, our family home in London got repossessed. Was this history repeating itself?  

It didn’t take long for me to enter the drug scene and become an addict myself. Even though I was taking drugs daily and my life was chaos I still had this deep feeling - a knowing- a longing - I just knew life could be and feel amazing, I just didn’t know how. 

The guilt of being a mum and a drug addict became so overpowering that I decided to start changing my life. My daughter deserved a life where she would feel loved and cared for, without the drugs and alcohol and the mentally and physically abusive relationships she was watching me partake in.  

I also deserved to feel loved and cared for…. 

I tiptoed very reluctantly into a new “scene”. It was scary, I felt like I didn’t fit there, this wasn’t my tribe!! It was calm - I wasn’t used to this. I started my own business and drove myself into burnout, exhaustion and meltdowns, trying to prove to the world that I was enough and lovable. That I was no longer the homeless teenage mum addict.

Once again, I was ready to throw the towel in. My business was slipping away from me, my health was deteriorating and my marriage was on the rocks.  

I reverted back to the methods I once used and felt comfortable with, I started restricting my food intake, and binge drinking again and my anxiety was through the roof. Buying a pint of milk was a mission for me.

Once again, I was exhausted and mentally and physically ill. Is this just my life? Is my life supposed to just be a repeating cycle of this chaos? Are the days supposed to feel this tough? 

Slowly as the weeks and months passed I found various avenues that assisted me on my healing journey. It took time and dedication but with true commitment to myself I figured it out.

I remember waking up one day and the feeling really hit me. This life is meant for me too. This world is here for me to enjoy too. I am enough. I am love. I am power.

Today I am now able to offer support in a number of ways using many of the methods I have learnt throughout this incredible journey. 

What I have experienced in my life gives me understanding and empathy, I get you, I hear YOU

I know the answers lie within you, as a coach, I am not here to give you a strategy or ways to avoid feeling the way you feel. Together, with your dedication and commitment to yourself, we will work through your blocks and start to understand where these have come from, reframe them so that you can learn a new perspective and start to live your best life too.  

How does that sound?  

I never thought it was possible to live the life I now live, I had no idea that the world I live in could feel the way it currently feels.  

This is available for you too. It’s your time now…….. Buckle up and let’s explore the ride.  

Find that space between your past & future thoughts & you will find “NOW”  

Ready to learn a new perspective and start to live your best life?

Let’s work together to reframe your blocks and limiting beliefs so you can start living the life you’re longing for.