Healing Trauma is Possible

Healing can feel like the darkest place on the planet. The loneliest and scariest time of your life when you know that the trauma you experienced is still active in your body and ruling your life.
Everyones internal capacity is different and will determine how and if you can process trauma in a healthy manner that enables you to complete the trauma cycle without it getting “stuck” in the body.

Our level of external support also plays a huge part in processing. If you feel like you are being effected by past events, you are not failing. You are no less than others. You “should not” have got over it by now. This is your life, you past, your present and your future, it’s up to you how you manoeuvre your way through this lifetime.

Check out these simple 4 steps to support you in your journey.

Healing from trauma IS possible. Slowly and with baby steps....

1) Acknowledge the event. When we deny that it happened or push it to one side we are just prolonging the inevitable

2) Notice the thoughts that you are having in relation to the event and after. With no judgment. Just become aware of what your mind is saying to you.

3) Connect with your body. Trauma is also stored in the body. This is often why we experience anxiety and depression. What is your body telling you?

4) Express yourself: So many of us feel like we have to deal with it alone. Or perhaps we see it as a sign of weakness if we show our vulnerability. Or maybe we don't have someone safe to express ourselves with. Take some time to reach out to someone you trust to practice expressing yourself.

Much Love

Jodie xx


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